SOCIETY Officers 2024-25

Alex Lee ’25, Co-President
Eugene Ye ’25, Co-President
Addea Gupta ’25, Vice President
Sierra Stocker ’25, Secretary
Sarah Moreno ’26, Treasurer
Sean Yu ’26, Treasurer
Frank Liu ’26, Librarian
Eleni Sekas-Dadian ’26, Librarian
Jovan Lim ’25, Outreach Liaison
Melody Cao ’26, Social Media & Marketing Chair

executive committee 2024-25

Edward Elwyn Jones, Chair
Bryan Eric Simmons ’83, President
Thomas F. Moore ’98, Treasurer 
John H. Finley IV ’92, Clerk
Matthew Lee ’92, At-Large
Susan Stevenson Borowitz ’81, At-Large

Development committee chair

Nicholas Raposo ’90


Liz Walker ’11, Chief Administrator
Grace Sun ’13, 2023-25 Artist-in-Residence
Donna Coppola, Chef
Ann Marie Healey, Development and Membership Associate


Class of 2025
Sophia Barakett ’25
Zach Bartel ’25
Caitlin Beirne ’25
Maggie Buckley ’25
Thea Chung ’25
Eddie Dai ’25
Peirce Ellis ’25
Harry Epstein ’25 (inactive)
Taylor Fang ’25
Hixon Foster ’25
Sophie Garrigus ’25
Christian Gines ’25
Austin Guest ’25
Addea Gupta ’25, Vice President
Tyler Heaton ’25
Sasha Hitachi-Kizziah ’25 (abroad)
Annika Inampudi ’25
Elio Kennedy-Yoon ’25
Bella Kim ’25
Ciana King ’25
Will Kissinger ’25
Tia KwanBock ’25
Primo Lagaso Goldberg ’25
Alex Lee ’25, President
Jovan Lim ’25, Outreach Liaison
Elyse Martin-Smith ’25
William McKibben ’25
Chase Melton ’25
Mariah Norman ’25
Benji Pearson ’25
Dylan Pigott ’25
Liliana Price ’25
Sierra Stocker ’25, Secretary
Kylan Tatum ’25
Thuan Tran ’25
Ricards Umbrasko ’25
Ariel Wang ’25
Eugene Ye ’25, President
Peggy Yin ’25
Class of 2026
Lucie Bai ’26
Brady Billingsley ’26
Sazi Bongwe ’26 (inactive)
Gabriel Brock ’26
Melody Cao ’26
Emma Chan ’26
Saara Chaudry ’26
Ethan Chaves ’26
Noah Eckstein ’26
Ananya Ganesh ’26
Carolyn Hao ’26
Caroline Hsu ’26
Ines Im ’26
Leila Jackson ’26
Sachiko Kirby ’26
Victoria Amani Mwaniki Kishoiyian ’26
Sidney Lee ’26
Enoch Li ’26
Veronica Li ’26
Frank Liu ’26, Librarian
Eleni Livingston ’26
Gabby Medina ’26
Rhys Moon ’26
Sarah Gabriela Moreno ’26, Treasurer
Garry Nitz ’26
Ogechi Obi ’26
Serin Park ’26
Dylan Ragas ’26
George Roggie ’26
Sean Yu ’26, Treasurer
Eleni Sekas-Dadian ’26, Librarian
Gil'i Zaid ’26
Class of 2027
Salome Agbaroji ’27
Cal Alexander ’27
Angelina Chen ’27
Zakiriya Gladney ’27
Dexter Griffin ’27
Will Jevon ’27
Zeb Jewell-Alibhai ’27
Jane Lilly ’27
Daniel Liu ’27
Gabrielle Mitchell-Bonds ’27
Olivia Park ’27
Reade Park ’27
Salini Pillai ’27
Kaylor Toronto ’27
Melinda Wang ’27

Signet Associates

Jill Abramson ’76
Megan Amram ’10
Thomas Batchelder
Ezra Block ’95
Alison Blount ’11
Susan Stevenson Borowitz ’81, Officer At-Large
Kathleen Lusk Brooke
Mimi Brown ’97
Jennifer Burton ’86
Agnes Chu ’02
Stephen Coit ’71
Prof. Diana Eck
Steven Ekert ’20
John H. Finley IV ’92, Clerk
Charles Gertler ’13
John W. Gillespie, Jr. ’76
Meg Gleason ’94
Julie Glucksman ’87
Devon Guinn ’17
Sam Hagen ’18
Joel Henning ’61
Meredith James ’04
Edward Elwyn Jones, Chair
Rashida Jones ’97
Kenneth M. Kaufman ’69
Prof. Thomas Forrest Kelly
Christopher Laconi
Matthew Lee ’92, Officer At-Large
Melia Marden ’03
Winthrop Minot ’73
Thomas Moore ’98, Treasurer 
Jonathan Moses ’88
Philip Munger ’95
Patrick O'Donnell ’67
Nicholas Raposo ’90
Auguste Roc ’17
Conley Rollins ’98
Bryan Eric Simmons ’83, President
Nancy Sinsabaugh ’76
Thomas Wilhoit ’13

signet society Affiliate Members

Charrise Barron, Assistant Professor of Music, Department of Music, Harvard University
Homi Bhabha, Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities, Harvard University
Amanda Claybaugh, Dean of Undergraduate Education, Samuel Zemurray Jr. and Doris Zemurray Stone Radcliffe Professor of English and Harvard College Professor
Tom Conley, Abbott Lawrence Lowell Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of Visual and Environmental Studies
Daniel Coquillette, Charles Warren Visiting Professor of American Legal History, Harvard Law School
Janet Echelman, visual artist specializing in large-scale public art
David Elmer, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, Faculty Dean of Eliot House, Harvard University
Naeemah Elias, founder, Elias Presence Ventures, actor
Elizabeth Epsen, Manager of College Dance, Office for the Arts Dance Program
Andrew Gitchel, Director, Memorial Hall, Director of Production and Lecturer in Theater, Dance & Media
Hilliard Goldfarb, Former Senior Curator, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal
Craig Hunegs, ALI Fellow, former President, Warner Bros. TV and Disney Television Studios
Arthur Jaffe, Landon T. Clay Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Science, Harvard University
Bulelani Jili, PhD Candidate at Harvard University in African Studies, Science, Technology, and Society
Dana Knox, Manager for College Theater and Director of the First-Year Arts Program, Harvard University
Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Editor-in-Chief of Dialogues in Dermatology
Rebecca Kuang, author of the Poppy War trilogy, Babel: An Arcane History, and Yellowface
Aube Rey Lescure, author of River East, River West and deputy editor at Off Assignment
Daniel Levenson, writer, visual artist, PhD Candidate in Criminology
Ruth Lingford, Senior Lecturer in AFVS Dept., Harvard University
Christie McDonald, Smith Professor emerita of French Language and Literature, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Professor emerita of Comparative Literature
Jason Meier, Associate Dean for Student Engagement, Harvard College
Heidi Pribell, interior designer, owner Heidi Pribell Interior Design
Matt Saunders, Professor of Art, Film, and Visual Studies, Harvard University
Sarah Spence, Prof. of Comparative Literature, Associate, Dept. of Classics, Harvard University, Distinguished Research Prof. Emerita, UGA
Isabel Strauss, architectural designer, works at the National Museum of African American History and Culture
Susan Rubin Suleiman, C. Douglas Dillon Professor of the Civilization of France & Professor of Comparative Literature, Emerita
Molly Taylor-Poleskey, Map Librarian at Harvard University's Map Collection
Theo Theoharis, Associate Scholar, Harvard University Dept. of Comparative Literature